A while ago I oops'd and washed a pair of my hubby's dress pants. His wool dress pants :( Needless to say, they were ruined. But I saved them anyway in the hopes of being able to re-use the fabric to lessen the blow of my bone-headedness. Today was that day! The Glen Plaid was the perfect manly/professional look for his ipad case.
Here are mt assembles materials:
- Clear plastic vinyl
- 1 piece Glen Plaid
- 1 piece black fabric (mine was a synthetic polyester, but you could use anything)
- 2 sheets card stock
- 1 piece black felt (not pictured)
- 1 strip elastic (not pictured)
I cut the fabric about 3/4in bigger than the ipad and cover to give me a little wiggle room in sewing the edges together. I made sure to leave an opening big enough to put the cut pieces of card stock through. The card stock sheets are both about 1/4in smaller all the way around than the ipad.
And here I am putting the card stock inside the cover...
Make sure you scoot the separate pieces of card stock all the way to the edges, there should be a good 3/4in gap in between them...
I'm not sure if you can tell from this pic, but I covered one side of the case with the clear plastic vinyl. The ipad works perfectly through the plastic, and it has already saved the ipad from at least one spill!
On the other side I went with a felt sleeve for the store bought cover to slide into. I left it open on both sides so the magnet built into to cover would still work to turn the ipad off.
Because the magnet was no strong enough to hold the case closed, I attached an elastic band that works to hold the cover open as well as closed.
Overall, I think it looks very neat, professional, and manly (to toot my own horn;) Interested in a full blows tutorial? Let me know!
Happy sewing,
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