I never truly appreciated how easy travel was in my life pre-baby. By the time I had everything packed, it felt like I was taking half my house with me! Despite the extra effort, it was a nice change of pace.
This year the family reunion vacation came in the form of a cruise through the Mexican riviera. We have been on this cruise line many times before, so we thought we knew what to expect... Unfortunately this became the cruise of the unexpected complication.
After driving to LA (6 hours on a bus with a baby...yikes) we arrive at the dock and the usual check in procedure is messed up. I guess the cruise line got bumped and had to use a make shift terminal. We ended up waiting around a hour before we got on the ship. When we finally got on, all of the restaurants were closed, and the rooms were not ready yet. So we were stuck for another couple of hours hauling our luggage around the boat. That ordeal over, we finally get into our rooms, unpack and have dinner.
Night one... a strange rumbling never before felt in this ship....hmmm. While this strange shaking didn't really bother me or my husband, our little boy on the other hand felt it immensely. He woke up about every hour crying, and the only thing that would calm him down was standing and rocking him....
Having survived the night, we meet everyone for breakfast the next morning. Several of my family members were discussing the boat moving, and the noticeably slow pace of the ship. In the middle of breakfast the Captain came over the speaker with an announcement...
Engine trouble. Apparently there was something wrong with one of the engines, so the boat was going half as fast as it should have been. Because of this, we would not be able to go to Puerto Vallarta, and instead spend another day at sea. Ugh.
Night two, baby still crying, boat still shaking. Very little sleep.
The next day G (my little boy) was feeling much better, and we were looking forward to our last day at sea for a while. Breakfast went by with out any drama, and we met everyone for lunch. A new emergency announcement from the Captain. "If there is a urologist on board, please dial 9911." Odd, and a little foreboding. Another hour passes by and the Captain come on the ships speaker again "We will be making an emergency stop in Cabo San Lucas due to a medical emergency." That's it, no further explanation.
My Aunt had an appointment with a personal trainer at the gym the next morning, and the trainer told her a crew member had a "blockage" and was unable to urinate. They dropped him off at the hospital at Cabo, and then continued on to Mazatlan.
In Mazatlan they fixed the boats engine, which was a software glitch, and the rest of the cruise went pretty well. There was only one more mini-drama, a vocalist was to ill to perform, and they had to cancel the show at the last minute. In the grand scheme of things, pretty minor. My baby finally adjusted to the movement of the boat, and we made it to Cabo San Lucas and Mazatlan.
Here are a few pics of my little guy having fun on the ship...
Dressed up for dinner:

Almost ready for bed, last minuet nakey play time! He discovered a "fake" smile that looks a little like a snarl, it gets big laughs, so he does it anytime you're trying to get him to smile. My sister calls this pic his "make love to the camera" photo.

Yum, breakfast on the back of the boat:

My version of a make shift play pen :)

Hanging out right before lunch:

While the vacation was fun, and a bit of an adventure, we are all glad to be home :) And back to sewing! I will admit, there was a little spring in my step as I set my sewing machine up again.
While originally it was my intention to blog only about my projects, and keep my life out of the blog, I realize that the nature of a blog is so personal, you really can't do that effectively. Many of the things I create are for or inspired by my family. Having realized this, I have made a an oath to myself in regards to my posting.
-I will try to write content that is helpful, meaningful, or inspirational, by sharing not only my process, the various stages of the project, but also how it relates to my self and my life.
I will keep this in mind before I publish every post, and try to live up to its standard!
While I can't really agree that the post I am publishing is helpful or meaningful, I think the major source of inspiration for me right now is my son. So, in that way I hope this post inspires you to think of the person who most inspires you to be creative in your life :)
Happy sewing!